American Bar Association witnesses will be lead-off witnesses today as the Senate Judiciary Committee resumes its confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan. Kim Askew, chair of the ABA Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary, and William J. Kayatta Jr., a committee member from Maine, are scheduled to testify at 4 p.m. ET about how and why the ABA reached its evaluation that Kagan is “well qualified” to serve on the Supreme Court of the United States, giving her the highest possible rating the committee can give. Written copies of their testimony will be posted on the ABA website by 4 p.m. ET at The hearing is being televised, and the Senate Judiciary Committee is webcasting the testimony from its site, Also, below is a host of ABA produced materials to support your coverage. The ABA Standing Committee works independently of the association and has been evaluating nominees since the Eisenhower Administration. These materials provide a look behind the scenes at what it takes to issue an ABA SCOTUS rating. All digital resources below are available for embedding, linking use, social network sharing and website/blog reproduction purposes in part or in their entirety.
Based on the excellence she has displayed during a long career, if not her evasiveness during her hearings, she is well qualified for the court.